About Friends of Queen's Park Cricket
Friends of Queen's Park Cricket was formed in 2017 by a group of people passionate about cricket and a particular love of cricket in Chesterfield's famous Queen's Park. They wished to ensure the preservation of cricket in all forms in the Park including the Annual Festival. They also wanted to increase community engagement through increasing the opportunities for local people to play and watch cricket, particularly juniors. Maintaining and promoting the heritage of cricket in the Park was also an important issue.
Lots has happened in the six years since it was decided to attract members and to apply for charitable status. We have been assisted by people too numerous to mention but special credit goes to Chesterfield Borough Council for their unstinting support of cricket in the Park on a long term basis. This has been forthcoming even in the most severe financial pressure.
Whilst being in existence we have been amazed at how Queen's Park is remembered by a great many players, ex-players, officials and spectators. Over the years the Park has gained a reputation as being ‘one of the loveliest cricket grounds in the world’.

A Charitable Incorporated Organisation - Registered Charity No. 1177204
Our Charitable Objectives
- To promote community participation in healthy recreation, for the benefit of the public in Chesterfield and surrounding areas, in particular but not exclusively, by the provision of facilities in the Queen's Park for the learning, teaching and playing of cricket;
- To advance education (including social and physical training) for the public benefit, in such ways as the trustees think fit including by providing cricket coaching;
- To advance education for the public benefit by increasing public learning and knowledge about the history and heritage of cricket in Queen's Park, Chesterfield