As ‘Friends’ continues to grow we need your help in assisting us in a range of activities.

The following gives a list of ways you could help us.
At the festival
Could you staff our Friends stall for a couple of hours, distribute leaflets or sell raffle tickets?
Have you experience of social and/or printed media? We need a person to co-ordinate this for us
Have you any old photos or anything to do with cricket at the Queen’s Park? If so, would you like to donate these or loan us the items for our heritage work?
Social media & public Relations
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with Social Media and Public Relations. If you feel you can assist please contact us for further details
Corporate members recruitment
We need a well connected person to take the lead in gaining corporate members.
Individual members recruitment
How do we recruit new members to Friends’? Have you got any ideas on how we can get more people on board to increase our influence? If you have any ideas, please contact us.
For further details and to volunteer please email: